Sunday, 7 February 2016

This world in which we live

Now, is it just me, or does anyone else feel a huge responsibility for having brought a new life into this world? 

Every day that I read the news, watch the news, or hear about the news, I wonder if I've done the right thing in introducing a little human into all the pain that this world has to offer. 

I am the first to admit that I am emotional wreck when it comes to a sad story. I always have been. But since having Sidney, these emotions have surpassed anything I ever thought that I would feel! I have looked at the human race in a different way since Sid has been around, and I don't always like what I see. In fact... The non pc side of me, wishes that certain 'breeds' of human could be put down, but that is neither here nor there. 

Aside from the obvious problems that our world currently has to offer,  I read a smaller story in the news last week which really really really affected me. There was a gentleman who was out walking with his trusty guide dog, when an evil, sick and twisted teenager decided on impulse to stab and kill the guide dog. The helpless blind man must have been stood there wondering what the hell had happened, whilst the gorgeous dog died a painful death. It left me thinking 'what the hell have I done?!'. How can anyone want to intentionally hurt another life in such a cruel way, for absolutely no reason? And what if anyone ever wanted to hurt my boy? I temporarily lost my faith in humanity over this news and I sobbed my heart out. 

Shortly after I read this story, I popped to my local Morrisons with Sidney. We were queuing up to pay for our shopping, when a lovely elderly lady started talking to Sid. She commented on how gorgeous he was, and he started smiling at her. Now usually my son glares at people he doesn't know, so this was something of a special occasion! After chatting with me for a few moments, she reached into her purse and pulled out a £2 coin. She thrust it into my hand, and told me to put it in Sidney's money box. I tried to say that it was an incredibly kind gesture, but I couldn't possibly accept it, and she insisted; telling me that she didn't have grandchildren and that his gorgeous face had brightened up her day.

Random acts can come in any shape or form. They can be from strangers or from our loved ones, and they can be random acts of evil, or random acts of kindness.

When I weigh the two up, my thought process diverts to my instinct as a Mother and the lengths I'd go to to save my child from any harm. I would go to the ends of the earth, and i daren't even write what the ends of the earth entail!  Of course I know that we can't protect our babies from all the random acts of evil of the world, but we can certainly celebrate the kindness of it, and as long as kindness is around and our children appreciate that, then we have a sort of triumph. 

Everyone should do their best to spread a little kindness and with all this love in my heart that my gorgeous son has filled me with, that's all I want to try to do. We should all endeavour to be a little more like the kind lady I encountered when my faith in humanity was an at all time low. We can't control the actions of the world around us, but we can control our own.