Wednesday 20 January 2016

Babies and friends. Hmmm.

I'm gonna keep this post short and sweet. 

When I was pregnant with Sid, after getting over the shock, my closest friends were so excited. I had the upmost optimism for his life with them. I imagined my best of friends would be around us to support both me and Sid, and that they would love, care and spoil him as if he was a part of their family. 

This couldn't be further from reality.

Having a child shows you who was your friend out of convenience, and who was your friend because they loved you. 

On the one hand, what I've learnt has broken my heart, yet on the other hand, it's made me stronger, and more resolved. It's also shown me that even new friends can show more love than the old. Much more love. I've gained new friendships that offer me laughter and remind me that I'm not just a mother. You can't put a value on that! At times when I've felt like I don't know who I am, I have had people there to remind me and bring out the best in me, and I never could have predicted who they would have been! 

To love me, is to love both me and my son. Spend time with us both. Share special occasions such as Christmas (you know who are all are)  Enjoy my company; even if it's just with a glass of wine (or prosecco) and a bit of crappy TV once sidney has gone to sleep (again, you know who you are)

I count my stars every day for those who are around me. 

My Sidney is joy personified, and if some people can't even spare an hour here and there to see that for themselves?! Well it's their loss. He is a part of me. A huge part. And if they don't care about him? Why should I care about them? 


At 20 January 2016 at 12:57 , Blogger Unknown said...

Time with the both of you is precious, whether it's a long amount of time with Sidney before his bedtime or a brief 5minutes of cuddles before hours of gossip & laughter with you. It's something that this time last year I didn't know was missing from my life but now I couldn't imagine you both not in it!! Love you xx


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