The first joy of parenthood
The two nights I spent in hospital with Sidney were a blur to say the least. In between desperately trying to succeed at breast feeding, trying to sleep when even if my son was sleeping soundly, the other three babies were screaming the ward down, and generally panicking because, despite carrying him for 9 months, I couldn't quite grasp the fact that I was responsible for this little being, I didn't REALLY have any concept of time or what was going on.
However, the visits I remember clear as day, as they helped me fall in love with my son, and fall even more in love with those who surrounded me. I thought it would be nice to document them all.
Sidney was born at 3.33am on the 24th May 2015. Aside from me and Gianni, my mum was the first on the scene (of course). My Mama. My heart. My rock. My support system. My best friend. She arrived with some 'essentials' at about 9am on the day he was born. She was initially banned from coming into the ward, as visiting hours didn't start until 2pm, but one heavenly midwife remembered that she had popped up the night before with 'sweets to keep me going' during the labour, thus making her an 'official birthing partner', so she was allowed to pop in with her balloon, and tears, albeit briefly. The look in her eyes in the few moments she got to spend with her grandson was enough to cement the fact that my family now had another human to protect and love.
I'd like to say that I remember the order that everyone arrived in after that, but in my sleep deprived state I'm afraid I don't. So here are a few pictures. (I didn't take pictures of lots of key people with Sidney, simply because i was too busy surviving my new life, so forgive me if some VERY key people are missing)
Sidney and his Great Grandpa (my grandpa)
Sidney and his Great Granny (my Granny)
Sidney and his Great Grandpe (or Gi Gi as he likes to be called) (my Grandpe)
Whilst I was in hospital, me, Sidney and Gianni were visited by the following people:
Sidney and his uncle Eddie (my bro)
My mum
My stepdad Kenny
My Dad
My beloved Grandpa
My stepmum Paula
My brother
My brothers girlfriend, Jo
My Grandpe and his wife Arlene
My Granny
Gianni's Mum, Dad and brother
My two best (and oldest) friends, Yasmin and Megan. I remember Yas sobbing the second she popped her head around the curtain that separated mine and Sid's bed from the rest of the ward. I almost had to prize Sid from her arms when she left. I remember feeling that no one could possibly love my child more, even if they had tried. I remember her saying both then, and later on in Sidney's life, that 'she felt all warm inside' when she was around him. Nothing could have touched me more.
Each meeting made my tired and weary heart melt. Seeing my loved ones holding my most loved one just completed my world. I loved my Sidney, but recognising the importance he had in the lives of my family and friends made that infatuation grow.
Seeing my tiny son in my 6,6 brothers huge arms made me want to cry, and seeing my beloved Grandpa holding back the tears whilst be held him was just beautiful.
It was almost as if I took a backseat in Sidney's life those first two days. Like everyone knew I had my whole life with him, and had been with him for several hours before anyone else waltzed into our ward, and that they needed their chance to bond. And bond they did.
Even now, when I see the growing relationship that Sidney has with my family and friends, my heart grows a bit bigger, and a bit stronger. I didn't think I could have loved my boy anymore, until I saw how much the people who meant the world to me, loved him.
Their love grows each time they see him, and subsequently, so does mine.
There have been loves since the hospital days, Lucy, Katie, Kay, Ilona, Leonie, Laura, Ayisha, Katherine, Ottie, Anna, Molly, my GodMum Gill, Gianni's best friend Dave, and many more. I won't name everyone for fear of forgetting someone, but you know who you are, and more importantly, Sidney knows who you are.
There have also been new loves his own age, introduced to his life. Kerry and Regan. Jenny and Molly. Emily and Eadie. Every time Sidney is with one of his little friends I want to cry.
I knew life could be beautiful, but until I had Sid there were areas of beauty that were not available to me. Now everything is in view, and I love my son, and everyone who is in his life, more than I ever imagined.
I will end this blog post with my favourite quote.
'In the end, all that matters is that we loved'.
I hope you all take some joy and love from this post.
Love Christine
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